PHP Development with Laravel

PHP Development with Laravel Course

Welcome to the PHP Development with Laravel course at CodingClave Training Hub! Get ready to unlock the power of PHP and master the Laravel framework to build dynamic and robust web applications. Whether you’re a beginner or an aspiring developer, our comprehensive course will guide you through the intricacies of server-side scripting and modern web development.

What You'll Learn


Begin with the essentials of HTML, the backbone of web development. Learn to structure content, create hyperlinks, and embrace the semantic elements that define modern web pages.


Delve into CSS and explore the art of styling. Learn to create visually appealing designs, manage layouts, and achieve consistency across your web applications.


Unlock the magic of interactivity with JavaScript. Discover how to manipulate elements, handle user interactions, and bring life to your web pages.


Dive into jQuery, a powerful library that simplifies JavaScript interactions. Learn to enhance user experience with dynamic content, animations, and smooth transitions.


Master Bootstrap, a responsive framework that streamlines web design. Create mobile-friendly websites with pre-built components and a fluid grid system.


Embark on your journey into server-side scripting with PHP. Understand its syntax, data handling, and scripting capabilities that enable dynamic web development.

Advance PHP with MySQL

Elevate your PHP skills by integrating it with MySQL. Explore advanced database interactions to create dynamic and data-driven web applications.

1 Live Project

Apply your knowledge to a real-world project, combining HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP to create a complete web solution.

Introduction to Laravel

Discover Laravel, a powerful PHP framework for building robust web applications. Learn about its features, routing, and the foundation it provides for modern development.

Creating Dynamic Web Applications

Build dynamic web applications using Laravel's features. Understand how to handle user inputs, process data, and create interactive interfaces.

Database Interaction with Eloquent ORM

Master Eloquent ORM, Laravel's eloquent way of interacting with databases. Learn to perform CRUD operations and manage database relationships seamlessly.

Authentication and Security

Dive into user authentication and security best practices. Implement user roles, permissions, and security measures to protect your applications.

Advanced Laravel Concepts

Explore advanced Laravel concepts like middleware, events, and queues. Develop applications that are scalable, maintainable, and efficient.

Building RESTful APIs

Create RESTful APIs to facilitate seamless communication between your applications and other services. Learn how to design and implement APIs with Laravel.

2 Live Projects

Immerse yourself in complex projects that showcase your skills in web development, Laravel, and API integration.

Resume Building & Interview Preparation

Prepare for job opportunities with our resume-building guidance. Gain insights into interview techniques and strategies to make a lasting impression.

100% Job Assistance

Leverage our network and support to unlock career opportunities in the tech industry. We're committed to helping you land the job you've been aiming for.

Ready to embark on a transformative journey in web development? Join the Full Stack Web Development course at CodingClave Training Hub and equip yourself with the skills that will set you apart in the world of modern technology.

Our Training Approach: Empowering Your Journey to Success

At CodingClave Training Hub, we’ve meticulously crafted a training approach that not only imparts technical knowledge but also molds students into skilled professionals ready to excel in the tech industry. Here’s how our unique training methodology sets you up for success:
  • 1Practical Learning

    We believe in learning by doing. From day one, you’ll be immersed in hands-on projects that mirror real-world scenarios. This approach ensures you grasp concepts faster and are well-prepared to tackle actual industry challenges.

  • 2Industry-Relevant Curriculum

    Our courses are tailored to match the evolving demands of the tech landscape. We focus on teaching you the most sought-after skills, technologies, and frameworks that employers are actively seeking.

  • 3Expert Mentorship

    Learn from industry veterans who bring their extensive experience and insights into the classroom. Our instructors not only teach but also guide you through the intricacies of coding, design, and problem-solving.

  • 4Collaborative Learning

    We foster a collaborative learning environment where you’ll engage with fellow students, share ideas, and work on team projects. This mirrors the collaborative nature of the tech industry.

  • 5Live Projects

    Every course includes live projects that allow you to apply what you've learned to real projects. This invaluable experience showcases your capabilities to potential employers.

  • 6Resume Building and Mock Interviews

    We go the extra mile to ensure you stand out. With every course, you receive comprehensive resume-building assistance, enabling you to present your skills effectively. Our mock interviews prepare you for the real deal, giving you the confidence to shine in actual job interviews.

  • 7Job Assistance

    Our commitment doesn't end with your course completion. We provide extensive job assistance, connecting you with our network of industry partners and openings. Many of our graduates have successfully secured roles shortly after completing our programs.

Hear What Our Students Have to Say

Don’t just take our word for it. Explore the experiences of our students who have successfully embarked on their journey with CodingClave Training Hub. Read their stories of growth, transformation, and success in their own words. Their testimonials are a testament to the effectiveness of our training programs and the impactful learning environment we provide./center>
  • Sachhi Singh
    I can't thank CodingClave enough for their training. The industry-relevant curriculum and practical approach made learning web development a breeze. The mock interviews and job placement support ensured that I landed a job that I love.
    Sachhi Singh
    Collage of engineering science and technology Lucknow
  • Sneha Sahu
    CodingClave Training Hub has truly transformed my career. The hands-on projects and expert guidance helped me gain real-world skills. The mock interviews and resume building support boosted my confidence, leading to my dream job as a Web Developer."
    Sneha Sahu
    Lucknow Institute Of Technology Lucknow
  • Abhisekh
    Enrolling in CodingClave's courses was a game-changer for me. The personalized attention from instructors, along with live projects, gave me the edge I needed. The job assistance after the course helped me secure a fantastic role in a tech company
    Manipal institute of technology, Karnataka

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